European fallow deer

Class | Mammalia |
Order | Artiodactyla |
Family | Cervidae |
Body lenght
125-165 cm
Body weight
63-103 kg / 29-54 kg
live in forests, wood
Europe, Asia
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European fallow deer
Dama dama
Our animal
grasses, herbaceous plan
Gestation lasts
The breeding sea
son or the rut of fallow deer is very different from that of roe deer, asfallow deer do breeding in leks,(where males congregate in small groups on mating territories in whichthe females’ only purpose for vis iting these territories is for copulation.) While roe deer b ulls occupyharems and defend t hemselves against competing bu lls. There are also duels betw een fallow bulls, butnot as se rious as with roe deer. -
The breeding season for fallow
deer is between the beginning of October and mid-November, a monthlater than for bull dee r. They give a special, guttu ral sound in the mating period and they scratch specialhollo ws, which can be regarded as r utting microterritory. - Both, the adult fema
les and males have white spots arranged in rows on a reddish brownbackground. There are ma ny variations, ranging from light shapes to a ll-white shapes. There are als odark brown animals, especiall y among the specimens kept in wildlife parks. In summer the coat is thinand smooth. In winter, the head, neck and ears turn brownish grey; the back and sides are black; the coati s thick and coarse.